Ateya Ball-Lacy, M.Ed

Creator and Executive Producer
Hood Smart: The Urban STEMulus Project
TV Reality Show

#Pretty365 :: Ateya Ball-Lacy

What is your name?

Ateya Ball-Lacy
What do you do?

I am a wife, mother and Middle School Assistant Principal/Academic Dean within the Prince George’s County Public Schools system. I am also a senior member of the world renowned Kankouan West African Dance Company. In addition to being an artist and passionate educator, I am also the Creator and Executive Producer of Hood Smart: The Urban STEMulus Project, a new and innovative TV reality show that shines a light on talented African American teens that are learning to embrace their STEM genius and use these skills in service to their community.  As an educator, my vision is to shift the focus from the very negative images we often see of African American youth to highlighting their creative genius and brilliance. #IAmHoodSmart #Smart is the New Cool!

Why do you do what you do?

I chose the education profession because it allows me to use my creativity and innovation to inspire students to tap into their innate genius and develop a passion for learning.  At a very early age I was inspired by the words of educator and historian Maya Angelou, “when you learn you teach, when you get you give.” These words continue to remind me of the very essence of what it means to be an educator. It is my personal and professional responsibility to ensure that my students are equipped with the tools they will need to be life-long leaners and global competitors.
What advice do you have for Black women interested in doing what you do?

The advice I would offer to Black women that are interested in becoming an Educator, a Producer or Both is to always represent your family and community with integrity and grace.  I believe that as Black women, we must always see ourselves as part of a collective, a community. We must move with the beauty and grace of our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and ancestors. We are game changers and trailblazers that stand on the shoulders of those that came before us.

What do you do to take care of yourself/rejuvenate/recharge (self-care practices)?

I begin each day with meditation and a two hour workout at a gym that includes cardio and weight training. This allows me to start my workday physically and spiritually prepared for the stresses of being a middle school assistant principal. In addition to working out at the gym, I also rehearse two days a week and teach youth dance classes on the weekend.

What are your top five must have beauty products?

  1. Multi HA Exfoliating Cleanser
  2. Multi Vitamin Exfoliating Facial Serum
  3. Vitamin C Facial Serum by Dr. Elliot Battle of Cultura Dermatology & Laser Center
  4. Hair and body nectar by Thea Denis of ASLI Pure
  5. Exfoliating scrub by Thea Denis of ASLI Pure

Pretty IS as Pretty DOES and we SALUTE you Ateya! You are #Pretty365!